Superhost Start-up Packages

New to Airbnb, or ready to take your Airbnb hosting to the next level?

Our Superhost Start-up Package is designed to provide you with everything you need to know to become a successful Airbnb host, from setting up your listing to handling guests, as well as proven strategies to maximise your bookings and profit.

We understand that setting up your first Airbnb can be overwhelming for new Airbnb hosts. That's why we've created this package to guide you through the process and help you to maximise your earning potential.

All our tips and advice are based on our experience as long-term Airbnb Superhosts and are proven to work in the real world.

What does the Superhost Start-up Package include?

Our Superhost Start-up Package is an online library of resources and guides we have carefully curated over years of hosting. A valuable resource for new Airbnb hosts, or those looking to achieve and maintain Superhost status quickly and easily.

Whether you're a new or experienced host, our package provides you with all the tools and resources you need to achieve Superhost status and take your hosting to the next level.

Our Airbnb Superhost Package includes:

  • One-on-one phone or online consultation to answer any questions you have, and/or help set up a new Airbnb listing in real-time.

  • Comprehensive shopping guide: A complete check-list of everything you’ll need to buy when setting up a new Airbnb, as well as some brands we use and recommend.

  • House manual template: A professional, fully customisable template to make creating your own house manual quick and easy.

  • Guest messaging templates: Communicate quickly and effectively with guests before, during and after their stay.

  • Guest review templates: Real templates we use on a daily basis that provide honest feedback and constructive criticism.

  • STRA information and instructions to satisfy hosting regulations.

  • Emergency, bushfire and total fire ban information sheets.

  • Plus a library of guides we’ve written ourselves with proven strategies, tips and ideas to help achieve Superhost status, maximise your bookings and grow your profit.

Get real answers to your questions with a one-on-one consultation with an Airbnb Superhost.

Our Superhost Package includes a one-on-one phone or online consultation where we can answer any of your Airbnb hosting questions and walk you through:

  • Setting up your listing: We'll show you how to create an effective listing that will attract guests to your property.

  • Finding the right guests: We'll teach you how to identify the best guests for your property and what to look for when screening potential bookings.

  • Handling guests: Our package includes a guide on how to interact with guests, including tips on how to respond to inquiries and how to handle any issues that may arise during their stay.

  • Making more money: We'll provide you with tips and tricks on how to increase your occupancy rates and earn more money from your property.

  • Resolving issues: We can discuss complaint resolution strategies and take you through the Airbnb claims process in the rare event you need to claim compensation for damages.

Contact us

Our Superhost Start-up Package is designed for new Airbnb hosts, but it's also a valuable resource for experienced hosts looking to take their property to the next level.

Contact us to learn more about our Superhost Start-up Package and take the first step to achieving your Airbnb goals.

If you’re based in the Blue Mountains, you may also be interested in our fully comprehensive hosting services.