About Us


Why hello there!

We’re Ally and Blake, a couple based in Katoomba in the Blue Mountains region of New South Wales, Australia.

Blake is a qualified Exercise Physiologist and Dietitian by profession, with experience in corporate consulting and risk management.

Ally worked in Digital Marketing and Copywriting at a travel insurance firm in Sydney CBD and comes from a background in frontline customer service and hospitality.

We both love to travel and showing off our beautiful corner of the world in the Blue Mountains with fellow travellers!

Read a bit more about us, our philosophy, and our hosting services below.


Our story

Before we relocated to the Blue Mountains, we were both working stressful corporate jobs in Sydney CBD.

Although we loved our shoebox-sized apartment and the convenience of city living, we weren’t enjoying our working lives at all. The hours were long and the work was repetitive and unfulfilling.

It seemed crazy to be working such long hours to afford Sydney rental prices when we were hardly ever at home to enjoy it. Not to mention we barely got to see each other!

In early 2018 we decided to overhaul our lives and make the move to the Blue Mountains. We found a beautiful little cottage to rent in Blackheath and started picking up odd jobs on Airtasker to make ends meet.

Not long after our move, a position came up for two caretakers at a holiday villa in Katoomba. We jumped at the opportunity, interviewed, and were running the property by the following week!

It was a great experience managing changeovers and taking care of everything from housekeeping and laundry, to garden, spa and pool maintenance.

We relished the freedom of managing our own time, as well as the responsibility of making sure everything ran smoothly for both the home-owners and guests.

No two days were ever the same and we got to meet interesting guests from all walks of life and all over the world.

We made a great team and word soon spread. Before we knew it, we had enquiries coming in to manage busy Airbnbs in Katoomba, Blackheath, Leura, Wentworth Falls and Mount Victoria.

The homeowners were happy. The guests were happy. We were happy!

After only two months, we decided to make hosting and holiday property management services our full-time business. And so, several years later, here we are!

We’ve since married in Blackheath in 2019, and purchased our first home in Katoomba in 2020.

Our business has continued to grow and we’re very proud to be able to offer full-time employment to a second housekeeping team as of 2021.

We are so grateful to be doing what we love and look forward to many more years of new people, new places and new partnerships!


Our philosophy

Our philosophy is simple. We look after your house as if it was our own home, and we treat your guests as if they are our own family or friends coming to stay.

Unlike some of the bigger hosting companies, we’re not in this business purely for profit. We only take on new clients who share our philosophy and who genuinely care about creating the best possible guest experience.

We’re efficient but we don’t cut corners. We’re budget-savvy but not cheap.

We genuinely care about our reputation, reviews, and creating a wonderful experience for our guests - and we believe this shows in our consistently high ratings and stellar reviews!

We understand that running a holiday rental property is a business with costs that must be covered and mortgages that must be paid. However, we believe that creating the best possible guest experience is more beneficial for long-term sustained success.

In our experience, if you invest in setting things up well from the start and take good care of your guests, success and profit soon follow.

With us, your home and your Airbnb reputation are in good hands!


Our Blue Mountains hosting services

If you’re considering listing your home or investment property on Airbnb, we can help you get everything set up and ready to start welcoming your first paying guests.

We offer hands-on hosting services for homes in the upper Blue Mountains. We take care of everything from liaising with guests and managing bookings, to housekeeping and laundry services.

This means you can relax and enjoy the returns on your investment property with little to no responsibility, or be free to enjoy your own travels without interruption.

Contact Us

We’re always interested in helping to set up or manage new holiday homes in the Blue Mountains.

Contact us to find out how we can help you.